Creating Content

Details on how to create content in the Sodyo Content Management System (CMS)

Content Creation

Content Types

There are several types of Content available in the CMS System, as follows:

  • Sodyo Ads - one or more optimized landing pages that include one or more actions to be executed upon scanning of a Sodyo code. The types of Sodyo Ads available are as follows:

    • Fact Page

    • Product Promotion Page

    • Event Promotion Page

    • A freeform Sodyo Ad for you to create your own content items as needed

  • Immediate Action - An immediate action content bypasses the Sodyo Ad and simply performs a single action upon the scan of a Sodyo code.

  • Polls -

  • Coupons -

Content - Supported actions

The Sodyo CMS supports various types of actions that can be used when creating content.

Content - Supported actions table







Upload Background

Upload a background image as part of a Sodyo Ad

Sodyo Ad


Internal Link

Navigate to another page in a Sodyo Ad

Sodyo Ad

Page Name


Add a calendar event

Sodyo Ad Immediate Action

Title, Address, Date, Type, Time


Navigate to a URL

Sodyo Ad Immediate Action

URL, Email or Deep-link


Call a phone number

Sodyo Ad Immediate Action

Phone Number


Add a Contact

Sodyo Ad Immediate Action

First Name, Last Name, Phone, Email, URL, Company


Navigate to an address

Sodyo Ad Immediate Action



Close the Sodyo Ad

Sodyo Ad



Provides raw data via the Sodyo SDK to the hosting application


Immediate Action


Content - Creating Content Items

Step 1: Navigate to and sign in. The Sodyo CMS main window is displayed.

Step 2: Click the content module in the navigation menu. The content module is displayed.

Step 3: Click the "Create New" content button at the top right of the screen. The content type dialog is displayed. NOTE TO RON: Needs to be updated

Step 4: Select the content type:

  1. Sodyo Ad

  2. Immediate Action

  3. etc


  • An Immediate Action content item with a data action type, will provide the defined data to the hosting application via the Sodyo SDK when the Sodyo tag is scanned.

  • An Immediate Action content item with a URL action type, will navigate the user to the defined URL when the Sodyo tag is scanned.

  • A Sodyo Ad content item will display an optimized landing page when the Sodyo tag is scanned. The landing page can contain many actions within it.

Creating a Sodyo Ad

FreeForm Ad

Step 1: The content editing screen is displayed per the selected content type:

Step 2: Enter name & description for the content item.

Step 3: For a Sodyo Ad content item:

Step 3 applies to a Sodyo Ad Freeform landing page. For immediate actions that do not include a Sodyo landing page, skip to Create an Immediate Action section below.

Step 3-2: The image cropping utility is displayed.

Step 3-3: Set the crop area as needed. Click crop. The selected image is uploaded as the background for your Sodyo Ad.

Step 3-4: Open the actions drawer. Select the action you would like to add. The action area appears on the Sodyo Ad background.

Step 3-5. Using the action editor, position and resize the action area as needed.

Step 3-6: Double click the action area and fill in the information for the selected action type. Click change to accept or close to discard.

Step 3-7. Add additional actions as needed.

Step 3-8. Set the close button location and color by dragging the close button to the desired location. Double click the close button to set its color.

Step 3-10: Name your new page. Click change to accept or close to discard.

Step 3-12: If you have created multiple landing pages, define the navigation between the pages using the internal link action. Position and resize the internal link action area. Double click and select the page to navigate to.

Step 3-13: When done editing your Sodyo Ad, click the save button to keep the content or cancel to discard and return to the main content screen.

Creating an Immediate Action Item

Step 1: For an Immediate Action content item:

Step 2: Select the action type.

Step 3: Fill in the additional information per the selected action

Step 4: Click the save button to keep the content or cancel to discard and return to the main content screen.

Last updated