Maintenance Operations

Details regarding multiple management & maintenance operations of the Sodyo Content Management System (CMS)

Reset Password

Step 1: Navigate to The Sodyo CMS signup / login window is displayed.

Step 2: In the sign in dialog, click the forgot password link. The forgot password page is displayed.

Step 3: Enter the email address for your account and click reset password. A success message will be displayed.

Step 4: Access your email account and search for an email titled “Sodyo Password Reset” as shown below.

If you cannot find the password reset email please verify that your email program has not placed it in the spam folder

Step 5: Click the “Reset Password” button to continue the password reset process. The set new password window is displayed.

Step 6: Enter your new password. Click the change password button to complete the operation. You can now login to the Sodyo CMS using your new password.

Updating user account information

Step 1: Navigate to and sign in. The main window including the navigation menu is displayed.

Step 2: Click your name, displayed in the upper left corner, next to your avatar, marked above in red. The user profile window is displayed.

Step 3: Update your information as necessary. It is possible to update your email address, first and last name and to change your password.

Step 4: Click save to update or navigate elsewhere to discard.

Project Settings & User Management

Navigate to and sign in. Click the settings module in the navigation menu. The settings module is displayed.

Only project owners & administrators have access to the project settings module.

General Project Settings

The project settings general tab provides the following information:

  • Project plan type: your current plan with Sodyo

  • Project time zone – used for analytics

Click the Users tab to manage project users. The user management window is displayed.

Managing Users

Add Users

To add a user: click the add user button. A new line will be added to the project users table. Fill in:

  • The users’ email address

  • The users’ role in the project. For a description of available roles and permissions – see below section Project roles & permissions

  • Click the save button

Invitation Process:

  • An email will be sent to the user to approve the project invitation.

  • When the user confirms the invitation, he will be added to the project with permissions according to the role assigned to the user. There is an option to resend a user invite. To resend, click the Resend Invitation link.

Delete Users

To delete a user, click the delete user icon in the row of that user.

Change a User's Role

To change a user's role, click and change the user role in the drop-down in the row of that user.

Transfer Project Ownership

It is possible to transfer ownership of the project to another user. To perform this action, click the transfer ownership link next to the project owner name. A window is opened to allow selecting the user that the project will be transferred to.

Project roles & permissions

The table below details a list of project roles that are available in the Sodyo CMS and permissions for each role.




Additional Information


Project Owner

• Content • Campaigns • Application Provider • Dashboards / Analytics

• Settings / Account Management

The owner is the user that created the project, cannot be removed from the project


Administrator User

• Content • Campaigns • Application Provider • Dashboards / Analytics • Settings / Account Management


Content & Campaigns Editor User

• Content • Campaigns • Application Provider • Dashboards / Analytics

Content Editor

• Content • Campaigns • Application Provider


Project Viewer

• Content (Read Only) • Campaigns (Read Only) • Application Provider (Read Only) • Dashboards / Analytics (Read Only)

Accepting an invitation to join a project

There are 2 ways to accept an invitation to join a project.

  1. Via email invitation

  2. Via the Sodyo CMS

Accepting an invitation to join a project via Email

Step 1: Access your email account and search for an email titled “Sodyo Project Invitation” as shown below.

If you cannot find the invitation email, please verify that your email program has not placed it in the spam folder.

Step 2: Click the “Join Project” button to accept the invitation and join the project.

Accepting an invitation to join a project via the CMS

Step 1: Navigate to and sign in. The main window including the navigation menu is displayed.

Step 2: Click your name, displayed in the upper left corner, next to your avatar, marked above in red. The user profile window is displayed.

Step 3: Click the project tab. The project tab is displayed.

Step 4: Active project invitations appear in the “Invites pending approval” section. Click join the project to accept your invitation.

Leave a project via the CMS

Step 1: Navigate to and sign in. The main window including the navigation menu is displayed.

Step 2: Click your name, displayed in the upper left corner, next to your avatar, marked above in red. The user profile window is displayed.

Step 3: Click the project tab. The project tab is displayed.

Step 4: in the your projects section, click the “leave the project” link in the relevant row. A confirmation dialog is displayed. Click yes to leave the project or no to discard

A project owner cannot leave a project. If this is necessary, the owner must transfer ownership to a different user - see Transfer Project Ownership.

Last updated