Dashboards and Analytics

Details regarding Dashboards and Data Analytics included as part of the Sodyo Content Management System (CMS)


The Sodyo portal includes dashboards that provide both overview and in-depth information about user interaction.

Project Dashboard

The project dashboard provides summary information regarding the project.

The project dashboard includes various widgets that include the following information:

  • Number of active campaigns / Total number of allowed campaigns

  • Number of content items

  • Date range selector for the widgets

  • Scans over time graph; includes the ability to select up to 5 specific campaigns to be plotted

  • Top campaigns barchart

  • Scans by time of day

  • Scans per a country

  • Scans by device manufacturer

Viewing the Project Dashboard

Step 1: Navigate to https://cms.sodyo.com and sign in. Click the dashboard module and the project dashboard sub module in the navigation menu. The project dashboard is displayed.

Project Dashboard Widgets

Active Campaigns / Available Content Widget

The Active Campaigns / Available Content Widget shows the following information:

  1. Number of active campaigns / Total available campaigns

  2. Total number of content items available in the project

Dashboard Scope Widget

The Dashboard Scope Widget allows the user to select the time period for the information that is displayed in the dashboard and / or to filter the campaigns that are included in the dashboard.

To set the time-frame for the dashboard:

Step 1: Click the dates controls. Dates selector is opened.

Step 2: Select the Start and End times.

Step 3: Click Apply. The data in the dashboard is updated according to the selected time-frame.

To filter the campaigns that are included in the dashboard:

Step 1: Click the campaigns filter

Step 2: Select specific campaigns to be included in the dashboard

It is possible to select up to 5 individual campaigns to be included in the dashboard at one time.

Number of scans over time Widget

The number of scans over time Widget shows scans over the time-frame selected for the dashboard on daily basis for all the campaigns in the project or for specific campaigns if a filter was applied.

Scans per campaign Widget

The scans per campaign Widget shows the total number of scans over the time-frame selected for the dashboard for the top 5 campaigns in the project or for specific campaigns if a filter was applied.

Scans by time of day Widget

The scans by time of day widget shows the breakdown of scans according to the days of the week and the times of the day (heat-map) over the time-frame selected for the dashboard.

Scans per country Widget

The scans per country widget shows the breakdown of scans based on the location of the scanner at the country level (map based) over the time-frame selected for the dashboard.

It is possible to zoom in / zoom out of the map using the map controls.

Scans by phone manufacturer Widget

The scans by phone manufacturer widget shows the breakdown of scans based on the device manufacturer of the scanning devices (pie chart) over the time-frame selected for the dashboard.

Activity Dashboard

The activity dashboard provides detailed information regarding scans.

The activity dashboard provides in-depth, real time information about scanning of campaigns associated with the project. It includes detailed information regrading the last 200 scans including:

  • Event time

  • Campaign name

  • Campaign group name

  • Content name

  • Region

  • Country

  • City

  • Carrier

  • Device Model

  • App Store ID (scanning application)

  • Session

  • Device ID

  • Platform

Not all columns are included in the grid by default. It is possible to show / hide columns using the column selector control.

Viewing the Activity Dashboard

Step 1: Navigate to https://cms.sodyo.com and sign in. Click the dashboard module and the activity dashboard sub module in the navigation menu. The project dashboard is displayed.

Column Selector

To select the columns to be displayed, go to the grid column selector. Click the Column visibility button and choose the columns to be displayed.


Clicking on session, shows a user’s activity chronologically and graphically. Click a session link to view its information.

A session is defined as a time period that a user has the application in the foreground. Sessions within five minutes of each other are merged into a single session. When the Sodyo SDK is initialized, it determines whether the application is launched into the foreground or background and it starts a new session if the application was launched in the foreground. A new session is created when the application comes back into the foreground after being out of the foreground for five minutes or more. If the application is in the background and an event is logged, then a new session is created if more than five minutes has passed since the application entered the background or when the last event was logged (whichever occurred last). Otherwise, the background event logged will be part of the current session.

Detailed Session View

The session view shows a user’s activity chronologically and graphically. Click a session link to view its information.

Session Information Explained


Sub Event



Load Library


The Sodyo library was loaded

Load Scanner


Sodyo scanner was opened

Detected Marker


A Sodyo tag was scanned and identified

View Content


Content was viewed by the user


An action was taken



User closed the content item


User navigated to a URL


Event User opened calendar event


User made a phone call

Add contact

User added a contact


User navigated to an address


Data was transferred to the hosting application

To return to the activity dashboard click the “Event List” link in the top left of the Detailed session information window.

Last updated