Utilizing the Sponsorship Section

The Sodyo Monetization Platform is a set of tools applied to our new Modules that enable a customer to monetize on those modules by selling advertising, directing users to URLs to make purchases, etc.


The Sodyo Monetization Platform is a set of tools applied to our new Modules that enable a customer to monetize on those modules by selling advertising, directing users to URLs to make purchases, etc.

Use Cases

There are several use cases for the Sodyo Monetization Platform.

The first and most obvious use case is for a broadcaster to sell this space as a paid advertisement. He can charge a premium for an advertiser to place his logo/slogan and link to his website on a page containing virtually any content. This creates a new revenue stream.

Click to Purchase

Another interesting prospect for this space is that this can be a direct link to a purchase page. For example, if placed underneath a coupon for an item, this can be a direct link to the store or a product to purchase with the coupon.


This space can also be used to simply promote the broadcaster’s own channel or for things like Public Service Announcements, etc.

Download an Item

The URL in this space can be utilized for a quick download of a web-hosted item as well.


One needs to decide where to add the monetization opportunity. Generally speaking, the choices will be at the bottom of each screen in the modules. The user is allowed to select which screen(s) he wishes the sponsorship opportunity to appear on by selecting the appropriate screen from the pulldown menu. Once a screen has been selected, to remove it, simply select the “x” next to it and it will be removed.

As each new feature / module is launched, there will be the opportunity for this within every module.

Creating the Monetization Opportunity

Once the placement has been chosen, the next item to input is a URL that, if the sponsorship area is clicked, the user will be redirected to. This field is optional, but it can be used to direct users to a sponsor’s website or even to a product for purchase.

Then you must choose how the sponsor will be displayed. The choices are as follows:

  • Text + Image - both an image and text are available to be displayed

  • Image Only - only the image will be displayed

  • Text Only - only the text will be displayed. The text has the option to have a specific color assigned as well.

Last, one can customize the details for the section, including the Title, text, and picture. There is a default title in place, which one can simply type over if he wishes to change it. Then add the text and image, if using. If Text + Image or Image Only is chosen as a type, then an image is required to be uploaded - the user can choose to change the image, but cannot delete it. In order to “delete” an image, he must switch to a Text Only sponsor type.

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