Managing Campaigns

Details on additional campaign management features of the Sodyo Content Management System (CMS)

The Main Campaign Window & Campaign Operations

The CMS main campaign window contains all the campaigns in your project and allows performing the various campaign operations. To see the main campaign window, navigate to and sign in. Click the campaigns module in the navigation menu. The main campaigns window is displayed.

Each campaign item has a set of allowed operations associated with it (shown in blue in the figure above

Campaign Operations

To perform an operation on a campaign item, find the item in the campaign grid, click the ... icon and choose the desired action.




Additional Information


Suspend a campaign

Allows suspending / enabling a campaign


Edit a campaign

Allows editing a campaign


Download Digital Marker

Allows to preview a content item


Delete a campaign

Allows deleting a campaign

Show Sodyo Tag

Show the Sodyo tag for a campaign

Shows an enlarged view of the Sodyo tag assigned to the campaign

Editing campaigns

Step 1: Navigate to and sign in. Click the campaign module in the navigation menu. The campaign module is displayed.

Step 3: Edit your content item as required, see creating campaigns for details on editing campaigns.

A Sodyo tag does not contain the content; as such a campaign can be edited and new content can be assigned to it.

Downloading a Sodyo tag

The Sodyo CMS allows downloading a graphic file of the Sodyo code that is assigned to the campaign that is optimized for digital platforms such as TV. To get the file:

Step 1: Navigate to and sign in. Click the campaign module in the navigation menu. The campaign module is displayed.

The first selection is to determine the Marker Form, or shape, that you desire from the pulldown list. As you make your selection, the preview changes so you can see what the outcome will look like.

Next, choose the Theme, which is the overall look and feel of the output. If just a simple marker is desired, simply choose "None".

Following this, there are two text fields which are included in the design, called CTA and App Name. In order to change the preselected text, simply replace the text with your desired text.

The image type for download can be selected as either a .png or .svg. The width and height can be input as needed - the default numbers are set for an HD resolution. If you need to change the Width and/or Height, you can simply type in both numbers OR type in one and deselect the other to allow the system to choose the best default for the other.

An optimized image file of the Sodyo tag is generated and downloaded for use.

Deleting campaigns

Step 1: Navigate to and sign in. Click the campaign module in the navigation menu. The campaign module is displayed.

Step 2: Click the delete button for the campaign you would like to delete. The delete confirmation dialog is displayed.

Step 3: Click yes to delete or cancel to discard.

Show / Display a Sodyo Tag

Step 1: Navigate to and sign in. Click the campaign module in the navigation menu. The campaign module is displayed.

Suspending / Enabling a campaign

Once a campaign is created, it is automatically published and is live (enabled). This means that when a user scans the Sodyo tag assigned to the campaign, its content will be delivered to the user. There may be a need to temporarily not deliver the associated content to users. To do this, it is possible to disable the campaign and enable it when resumed.

Step 1: Navigate to and sign in. Click the campaigns module in the navigation menu. The campaigns module is displayed.

When a tag associated with a suspended campaign is scanned, no content is delivered to the user.

Last updated