Enabling Clickable Markers

Any user can simply click a Sodyo Clickable Marker and be directed to the exact same content behind the markers as if they had scanned.


In order for this feature to work, the feature must be turned on in the Sodyo CMS system. Additionally, the application which will host the link (mobile application, etc) must support deep links.

Creating a Sodyo Clickable Marker

The Clickable Marker is created for you in the Sodyo CMS system. After the creation of the campaign, the user simply edits the campaign, and at the top of the page, they will see a “Dynamic Link”. Copy that link and put it where you need it - on a YouTube video, embedded on a social media link, in your application, etc.

How it Works

On a mobile, when you click on a Sodyo Marker, if the user has the application installed on his phone, it will open the content immediately. If the user does not already have the mobile application installed, it will take him to the appropriate app store to first download the app, and then once downloaded, it will take him to the content he was trying to reach.

Last updated