Creating a Project

Details on how to create a project in the Sodyo Content Management System (CMS)

Sodyo CMS Project

A project is the main entity that is meant to capture a customer operation within the Sodyo Portal. A project includes among others:

  • Content

  • Campaigns

  • A dedicated application development key for integrating an application with Sodyo’s SDK

  • API Keys for connecting a customer content management system with Sodyo's Portal

  • Data analytics

  • Users with roles

  • A project plan that dictates the available features and cost

Creating a new Project

Step 1: Navigate to and sign in. Sodyo’s main CMS window is displayed.

The “create new project” window is displayed.

Step 3: Fill in the project name. Click create to complete the operation or navigate elsewhere to discard. The project dashboard is displayed.

It is recommended to use a meaningful name for the project. For example the name of the customer.

The project dashboard is initially empty due to the fact that there has not been any activity in the project as of yet.

Last updated