Creating a Poll

Creating a Poll

Poll Types

There are five (5) different types of polls, as follows:

  • Multiple Choice Poll - A multiple choice poll is a text-based poll where the user is presented with a question and the responses are all presented in text format

  • Multiple Choice with Image Poll - A multiple choice poll is a photo-based poll where the user is presented with a question and the responses all have photos with optional text

  • Yes/No Poll - A text-based question with an A/B response, presented in various formats

  • Rating - a text-based question where the user can respond on a scale of either 1-3, 1-5, or 1-10, presented in various formats

  • Meter - a text-based question where the user can respond on a scale which is chosen by the user, presented in various formats

Create a Poll

Step 1: Click the "Create New" poll button at the top right of the screen. The poll type dialog is displayed.

Step 2: Select the poll type:

  1. Multiple Choice

  2. Multiple Choice with Image

  3. Yes/No

  4. Rating

  5. Meter

Step 3: Enter name, description & usage for the poll.


The steps for designing a Poll are outlined in Designing your Sodyo Content.


In the Question section, the user simply adds the question (required) and sub-question (optional) that he wants to ask.


For each type of poll, the Answer section is slightly different, as follows:

  • Multiple Choice Poll - Simply type in the first response. To add another response, select “+Add new answer” and then type in the additional response. You may add additional responses as needed, up to 20 maximum. The responses will be displayed in the order they are typed. A response may not be left blank once it has been selected - if too many have been added, you must either fill it in or select the “x” next to the field to delete the response in order to save the poll.

  • Multiple Choice with Image Poll - This works the same as the Multiple Choice Poll (above), with the exception that for each response a photo must be added. Text corresponding to each image is optional.

  • Yes / No Poll - Default responses have been supplied under the “Positive Choice” and “Negative Choice” fields. To replace them, simply type over the default responses.

  • Rating Poll - The first selection to make is the scale you wish to use, called the “Amount of Rating Answer Options”. You may select either “1-3”, “1-5”, or “1-10”. Please note that on many of the designs, if you select the “1-10” option you will see only 5 icons, but each icon has the option to be colored in by one-half to indicate an odd numbered selection, as shown below:

Below the scale, there is a place for one to indicate “Title of maximum rating value” and “Title of minimum rating value”. These values are left blank by default. If no value is entered into these fields, the fields will be left blank on the poll. Lastly, one can customize the Submit Button Text by simply typing over the default text.

  • Meter Poll - the first selection to be made is the Minimum Value, followed by the Minimum Value Title. After this the user needs to input the Maximum Value followed by the Maximum Value Title. Lastly, one can customize the Submit Button Text by simply typing over the default text.

Finish Screens

In the Finish Screens sections, there are two main parts: (1) the “Thank You Message”, which is the screen shown immediately after the user completes the voting process, which serves as an acknowledgement that the vote has been received, and (2) the “Already Voted” message, which is the screen shown when a user attempts to scan the marker more than one time. As a reminder, our polls are set up by default that one individual can only vote one time.

In each of these sections, there is a default message already in place - in order to change the default message, one simply needs to type over it.

Immediately below the “Already Voted” message is a checkbox that says “Show Poll Results”. Selecting this check box will enable the voting results to be shown on the user’s mobile at the time he votes. De-selecting the checkbox will bring the user to the “Thank You Message” only, without results being shown.

The Poll Results will be displayed on both the “Thank You Message” and “Already Voted” screens, immediately below the chosen message with a small graph and the responses below it, with the number of votes and percentage that each response received. If the user continues to scan, he will see the updated results on the “Already Voted” screen.


Sponsorships can be added to the Polls by following the instructions in the Utilizing the Sponsorship Section page.

Last updated