Sodyo Marker Usage Guidelines for Television

This page outlines the best practices for using the Sodyo Markers on TV or other digital screens

Sodyo’s Square / Rectangular Markers

Sodyo Markers have been optimized to match the viewing distance of the human eye, taking into consideration the distance that most viewers sit from the television screen. The typical viewing distance of a television screen is usually up to x4 the diagonal length of the screen.

  • We recommend displaying the marker between 1/8 to 1/10 the size of the display height

  • This will provide a scanning distance between x4 - x5 the size of the diagonal of the screen

  • This will result in the user not having to change their typical behavior in order to scan and can scan from the place they usually watch TV without any issue.

  • Example:

    • For a 40-inch TV – the typical distance a user will sit to view the TV would be up to 40 inches x4 = 160 inches (~4 meters).

    • We recommend the Sodyo marker to be between 1/10 and 1/8 of the display height; therefore, the scanning distance in this example would yield ~5 meters.

For different broadcast resolutions, the square/rectangular marker sizes (in pixels) are:

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