Creating Content

Details on how to create content in the Sodyo Content Management System (CMS)

Content Items

The Content Item is the content that users see in the app after scanning a Sodyo marker.

Content Types

Content types are templates for creating Content Items with specific kinds of content. There are several types of Content available in the CMS System, as follows:

  • Classic Coupons - Provides several possible types of coupons to a user upon scanning a Sodyo marker.

  • Galleries - Displays images, video files, audio files, and/or .gifs. There are two types of Gallery page:

    • Multi-Content Gallery - A page that allows displaying several files of mixed media types.

    • Single-Content Gallery - A page for displaying a single image, video, audio, or .gif file.

  • Gamification - Games that a user can participate in upon scanning a Sodyo marker. The types of Game pages are as follows:

    • Instant Winner

    • Multi-Player Trivia

    • Quiz

    • One-Question Quiz

    • Raffle

  • Landing Pages - An optimized landing page that includes one or more actions to be executed upon scanning of a Sodyo marker. The types of Landing Pages available are as follows:

    • Biography Card

    • Business Card

    • Download Item Page

    • Fact Page

    • Influencer Card

    • Product Promotion Page

    • Event Promotion Page

    • Personal Card

    • Recipe Card

  • Polls - Allows users to vote in a poll upon scanning of a Sodyo marker. The types of Polls are as follows:

    • Meter Poll

    • Multiple Choice Poll

    • Multiple Choice with Image Poll

    • Rating Poll

    • Yes/No Poll

  • Shoppable - Displays one of more items for sale along with their prices, discounts, and purchase links. There are two types of Shoppable pages:

    • Shoppable Showcase - Optimized for displaying one product for sale

    • Shoppable Catalog - Displays multiple products for sale

  • Freeform Ad - A freeform ad for you to create your own content items as needed

  • Immediate Action - An immediate action content bypasses the Sodyo Ad and simply performs a single action upon the scan of a Sodyo marker such as:

    • Call

    • Contact

    • Event

    • Navigation

    • URL

    • Data

Content - Creating Content Items

Step 1: Navigate to https://[organization-name] and sign in. The Sodyo CMS main window is displayed.

Step 2: Select the Campaign Management module and click on "Contents" to display the content management module.

Step 3: Click the "Add new content" button at the top right of the screen.

Step 4: Select the content type from within the selection menu


  • A Shoppable Catalog content item will display an optimized landing page with products for sale, including prices and links to the online store.

  • An Immediate Action content item with a URL action type, will navigate the user to the defined URL when the Sodyo marker is scanned.

  • A Freeform Ad content item will display an optimized landing page when the Sodyo marker is scanned. The landing page can contain many actions within it.

Creating a Content Item

For an in-depth guide to creating a Content item, see Creating a Freeform Ad.


For a breakdown of the specifications and limitations of each content type, see Content Specifications.

Last updated