Managing Campaigns

Details on additional campaign management features of the Sodyo Content Management System (CMS)

The Main Campaign Window & Campaign Operations

The CMS main campaign window contains all the campaigns in your project and allows performing the various campaign operations. To see the main campaign window, navigate to https://[organization-name] and sign in. Click the campaigns module in the navigation menu. The main campaigns window is displayed.

Each campaign item has a set of allowed operations associated with it. The actions appear when hovering the cursor over the campaign item's card in the grid.

Campaign Operations

To perform an operation on a campaign item, find the item in the campaign grid, hover the cursor over it and choose the desired action.

ActionDescriptionIconAdditional Information


Pause a campaign

Allows suspending a campaign


Enable a paused campaign

Allows enabling a campaign that was paused


Edit a campaign

Allows editing a campaign


Download Digital Marker

Opens a menu to download a campaign's marker as a .png or .svg file


Archive a campaign

Free the marker for use in other campaigns, without deleting the campaign item from the CMS

Data Export - Analytics

Export a campaign's analytics data

Allows exporting a campaign's analytics data

Data Export - User-generated content

Export a campaign's user-generated content data

Allows exporting a campaign's user-generated content data


Delete a campaign

Allows deleting a campaign

Show Sodyo Marker

Show the Sodyo tag for a campaign

Shows an enlarged view of the Sodyo tag assigned to the campaign

Editing campaigns

A Sodyo marker does not contain the content; as such a campaign can be edited and new content can be assigned to it.

Searching for Campaigns

The CMS includes several options for searching and/or filtering Campaigns.

Use the search bar to filter Campaigns by name.


It is possible to filter your search for Campaigns in several fields:

  • Main Campaign Content - A dropdown menu allowing the user to filter campaigns by the Content Item that is tied to them. It is also possible to search for the Content Item by name in the dropdown menu.

  • Main Campaign Content Set - A dropdown menu allowing the user to filter campaigns by the Content Set that is tied to them. It is also possible to search for the Content Set by name in the dropdown menu.

  • Campaign Group - A dropdown menu allowing the user to filter campaigns by the Campaign Group it belongs to. It is also possible to search for the Content Set by name in the dropdown menu.

  • Status - A dropdown menu allowing the user to filter campaigns by status. The filter is set to "Active" by default.

  • Created by - A dropdown menu allowing the user to filter campaigns by the user that created them. It is also possible to type the name of the creator in the dropdown menu.

  • Start Date - Allows the user to filter the campaigns by range of dates.

  • Expiry Date - Allows the user to filter the campaigns by range of dates.

  • Archive - Allows the user to filter the campaigns by range of dates.

Filter By Marker

If you have a Sodyo marker but don't know any identifying details about its campaign, it's possible to filter your search by the marker's colors. Simply click the squares to choose the marker's colors.

Downloading a Sodyo Marker

The Sodyo CMS allows downloading a graphic file of the Sodyo marker that is assigned to the campaign that is optimized for digital platforms such as TV.


In the General tab of the Download Marker window, the user can choose the file format of the downloaded marker (either .png or .svg) and the resolution it will be displayed in. The size of the marker will be optimized to suit the chosen resolution.

Marker Shape

In the "Marker Shape" page, select the desired shape for the marker from the available selection.


The Appearance tab shows a preview of the final image. By default the image does not include a caption. If a caption is desired, click the dropdown menu titled "Caption usage" and select "With caption", as seen in the example below.

The user can choose the size, font, color, and location of the caption. The dropdown titled "Caption position" allows the user to choose the caption's position relative to the marker. To edit the text, replace the text already present in the Text field. Both lines of text must be edited separately.

To download the final image, click the "Download" button at the bottom of the window.

Deleting campaigns

Step 1: Navigate to https://[organization-name] and sign in. Click the campaign module in the navigation menu. The campaign module is displayed.

Step 2: Click the delete button for the campaign you would like to delete. The delete confirmation dialog is displayed.

Step 3: Click yes to delete or cancel to discard.

Show / Display a Campaign's Marker

Click the Sodyo marker in the row for your campaign in the Campaigns grid to enlarge the Sodyo marker assigned for your campaign.

Pausing / Enabling a campaign

Once a campaign is created, it is automatically published and is live (enabled). This means that when a user scans the Sodyo tag assigned to the campaign, its content will be delivered to the user. There may be a need to temporarily not deliver the associated content to users. To do this, it is possible to disable the campaign and enable it when resumed.

Step 1: Navigate to https://[organization-name] and sign in. Click the campaigns module in the navigation menu. The campaigns module is displayed.

When a tag associated with a suspended campaign is scanned, no content is delivered to the user.

Last updated