Creating a Gallery

The Content Gallery Module allows the user to scan and obtain a variety of images, .gifs, audio files, and/or video files.

The following will outline at a high level the steps for creating a gallery. This chapter assumes the reader is familiar with the CMS system and the steps required to create a content item and campaigns.


The steps of designing a Gallery are outlined in Designing your Sodyo Content.


In the Text section, the user must add a Title for the gallery. Space for an optional sub-title and additional information is provided, if needed.


For each type of Content added, the upload process is slightly different, as outlined below:

  • Image -

    • Type in the name of your content in the “Content X” field - note that this is required even if the content items are desired to be displayed without the text (image only), the name of each content item must still be input in order for the Gallery to be saved.

    • In the media selector, choose Image, and click on Add Image to upload it. Crop the image to your needs and select the Crop button.

  • Video and/or Audio Files -

    • Type in the name of your content in the “Content X” field - note that this is required even if the content items are desired to be displayed without the text (image only), the Name of each content item must still be input in order for the Gallery to be saved.

    • In the media selector, choose the required format. Click Add Video / Add Audio, select the video or audio file and the file will begin to upload.

      • It is also possible to insert the URL of a video from YouTube or Vimeo, or of audio from SoundCloud or Spotify

    • To the right of the "Add Video/Audio" button, there is another input box labelled "Add Image". This is where you can upload an image file to use as the thumbnail photo for the audio/video file. If you do not upload this thumbnail, there will be no thumbnail artwork for these files.


The steps of designing a gallery are outlined in Designing your Sodyo Content.


In the Text section, the user must add a Gallery Title. Space for an optional sub-title and additional information is provided, if needed.


Simply type the Title of your content item and upload the content. Supported content types are images, videos or audio files. If using an audio file, a thumbnail image may be uploaded as described for Multi-Content Gallery, if desired.

The refresh button may be selected to change the content, but the content may not be left empty or deleted.


Sponsorships can be added to the Galleries by following the instructions on the Utilizing the Sponsorship Section page.

Social Media

Links to social media can be added to the Content by following the instructions in the Utilizing the Social Media Section page.


Branding can be added to the Content by following the instructions in the Utilizing the Branding Section page.

Initial Form

An Initial Form can be added to the Content by following the instructions in the Adding and Initial Form page.


For a breakdown of the specifications and limitations of each content type, see Content Specifications.

Last updated