Scavenger Hunt Game

The Scavenger Hunt Game template allows CMS admins to easily create a game for the end-users that revolves around scanning markers.

Introduction: The Scavenger Hunt Game

The main points of a Scavenger Hunt game:

  • End-users can collect "game items" by scanning the relevant markers.

  • Once a user has "collected" all the items by scanning all the "game item" markers, they can scan the final "Checkpoint" marker to be included in the list of winners.

  • This list of winners is accessible to the CMS admin, who can then choose to reward the winners in a manner of their choosing (For example, randomly selecting a set number of winners for a raffle, or giving all winners a coupon).

  • If a user scans the Checkpoint marker before collecting all the items, they will be shown a "Default Content", and they won't be included in the list of winners.

Note: While is entirely possible to create a Scavenger Hunt game manually in the CMS (using Content Items, Content Sets, Campaigns, and Dynamic Profile Settings), the Template makes it much simpler and more streamlined.

Creating a Scavenger Hunt Game

Step 1: Create Game

In this step, the admin must fill:

  • The Template name (which will appear in the Templates management page)

  • The unique prefix (a prefix that will be added to the names of all Content Items, Content Sets and Campaigns that are created as part of the game)

  • App key of the app this game will be used in

Step 2: Game Items

In this step, the Content Items and Campaigns for the Game items (the game's collectable items) are created and designed.

Game items section

In this section, the admin adds the contents of the Game items.

The fields are:

  • Campaign display name (the name of the campaign that is visible in the app's history)

  • Title - usually the name of the Game item

  • Promo text - In this field, it is recommended to add more information about the game, such as the number of items that are available to collect, as well as this item's number in the order. For example, "This is item 2 out of 3. Collect all 3 to win!"

  • Cover - could be an image or a video.

Game items appearance

In this section, the user can edit the design of the Content Items. For more information on designing the content, see Designing your Sodyo Content, Utilizing the Sponsorship Section, and Utilizing the Social Media Section.

Step 3: Checkpoint

In this step, the Content Items and Campaign for the Checkpoint are created and designed.

Checkpoint Items

The two Checkpoint items that are created here are:

  • Winner content: Content displayed when a user has collected all the items.

  • Default content: Content displayed when a user has NOT collected all the items.

The process of creating the Checkpoint items is identical to the process in the Game Items section.

Checkpoint appearance

In this section, the user can edit the design of the Content Items. For more information on designing the content, see Designing your Sodyo Content, Utilizing the Sponsorship Section, and Utilizing the Social Media Section.

Step 4: Game Lifetime

To set a start / end / auto-archive date for the Game, click on Yes and then select the date by clicking the dropdown menu.

Game Start Date

If a start date is set, users who scan the Game's markers before the start date will not get access to the Scavenger Hunt game, and instead will see a different content item (designed in Step 5).

Game End Date

If an end date is set, users who scan the Game's markers after the end date will not get access to the Scavenger Hunt game, and instead will see a different content item (designed in Step 5).

Game auto-archive date

If an auto-archive date is set, the Game's markers will no longer be tied to the Game after that date.

Step 5: Game Lifetime Items

If a start date and/or end date are set, this step allows the admin to create the content that is displayed to users who scan the Game's markers before the game starts or after it ends.

The content that will be shown before the start date can be created in the section labelled "Before game start content". Similarly, the content that will be shown after the end date can be created in the section labelled "After game end content". The creation of these content items is identical to that in the Game Items section.

Game Lifetime appearance

In this section, the user can edit the design of the Content Items. For more information on designing the content, see Designing your Sodyo Content, Utilizing the Sponsorship Section, and Utilizing the Social Media Section.

Step 6: Summary

In this step, a summary of the Game is available for review. Once the admin clicks "Submit", the CMS creates the Content Items, Content Sets, and Campaigns necessary for the Game.

Managing a Scavenger Hunt Game

Last updated