Creating a Game

How to use the Gamification Content.

Multiple Types of Games

There are five (5) different types of games, as follows:

  • Raffle - After scanning, the user enters the game. At a set point in the future, the customer selects a winner.

  • Instant winner - After scanning, the user immediately finds out whether or not they have won a prize.

  • Quiz - After scanning, the user is given a quiz with several multiple-choice questions. After the answers are selected the user is shown their score.

  • One-question quiz - After scanning, the user is shown one multiple-choice question. After answering, the user is shown whether or not they answered correctly.

  • Multi-player trivia - A game similar to a quiz where the user with the highest score wins.


The Raffle Game allows users to scan and enter the game and, at a set point in the future, the customer selects a winner.

Creating a Raffle

The following will outline the steps for creating a raffle at a high level. The following assumes the reader is familiar with the CMS system and the steps required to create a content item and campaigns.


The steps of designing a raffle are outlined in Designing your Sodyo Content. In the Design area, the user can choose to upload a cover photo for the raffle. Supported formats are .jpg, .png, and .gif. Alternatively, video can be uploaded as well.


The “Confirmation Text” is the message that the user will see to inform him that his submission to the game has been successful. This field is required.

The “Code Title” is the title text that will appear above the confirmation code.

The “Participation Code Prefix” is a short customizable field of 1-6 characters that can be added to the system generated confirmation code. If left as-is, it will be populated by “SOD”.

Below this field, there is a checkbox allowing the user to denote whether or not he wishes the Rules of the game to be shown on the mobile to the user on this page. If checked, two additional boxes will appear - “Rules Title”, and “Terms and Conditions”. Both fields are then required fields, with the “Terms and Conditions” field containing a bulleted list.


The Form is the first screen presented to the user after he or she scans. This is the form that the user must have filled out in order to proceed to be entered into the raffle.

The first two fields are “Form Title” and “Submit Button Title”, which is the text displayed on the "Submit" button.

The next section adds the fields to the form. The first field shown is a Free Text field. In the box below, you will need to add the Title of that field for the information you wish to collect, such as “Full Name”, or “First Name”, etc.

There is a slider button below the field indicating whether it is a mandatory field or not. If it is blue, the field is mandatory and must be filled out in order for the user to register for the game.

To add additional fields, simply select the “+Add New Field” button and choose the field you wish to add from the choices - “Text”, “Phone”, “Email”, “Integer” so that items such as name, phone number, email and age can be collected.

Below that is a place to add “Disclaimer” text, such as any age requirements.


The Finish Screen is presented to the user in the case where entries to the raffle are no longer permitted but the winner has not yet been chosen.

The “Title” field to this page is required and there is room for additional optional text to explain that the time for submission of entries is over.

Below this field, there is a checkbox allowing the user to denote whether or not he or she wishes the Rules of the game to be shown on the mobile to the user on this page as well. If checked, the rules that were previously entered will appear on this page.


Sponsorships can be added to the Raffles by following the instructions on the Utilizing the Sponsorship Section page.

Instant Winner Game

The Instant Win Game allows users to scan and immediately find out whether or not they have won a prize.

Creating an Instant Winner Game

The following will outline at a high level the steps for creating an instant winner game. The following assumes the reader is familiar with the CMS system and the steps required to create a content item and campaigns.


The steps to designing the Instant Win game are outlined in Designing your Sodyo Content. In the Design area, the user cant choose to upload a cover photo for the game. Supported formats are .jpg, .png, and .gif. Alternatively, video can be uploaded as well.

Instant Winner

The first portion of the Instant Winner section defines what happens in the case of a winning entry.

The “Success Text” is the message that the user will see to inform him/her that the scan has resulted in an instant win. This field is required.

The “Code Title” is the title text that will appear above the confirmation code.

The “Code Prefix” is a short customizable field of 1-6 characters that can be added to the system generated confirmation code. If left as-is, it will be populated by “SOD”.

The next portion of the Instant Winner section defines what happens in the case of a non-winning entry.

The “Failure Text” is the message that the user will see to inform him/her that the scan has not resulted in an instant win. This field is required.

The following two fields, “Contact Title” and “Contact Value” are required and are used to display contact information for the contact for the game. For example, if someone were to have questions or issues with the game, this is who they would contact.

Below this field, there is a checkbox allowing the user to denote whether or not he or she wishes the Rules of the game to be shown on the mobile to the user on both the Success and Failure notification pages. If checked, two additional boxes will appear - “Rules Title”, and “Terms and Conditions”. Both fields are then required fields, with the “Terms and Conditions” field containing a bulleted list.

Dynamic Profile Update

The admin can add a property to a user's profile if they win an Instant Winner game. Together with the Exclusion Rules, this allows the admin to prevent a user from winning the game if they have already won a previous Instant Winner game.

Note: Dynamic Profile Update that is configured from the Instant Winner section of the editor is different from Dynamic Profile Update that is configured in the Info section. The latter adds a property once a user opens the content, more info in the Creating a Content Set page.

To add a Dynamic Profile Update:

  1. Click on the checkbox titled "Allow dynamic profile update".

  2. Select either a "Managed" or an "Unmanaged" update type.

    1. Managed: Update the value of a predefined User Property (Not recommended for the common use case).

    2. Unmanaged: If the name of the Property that is entered does not match with an existing Property, a new Property with that name will be created and its value updated (Recommended).

  3. Click on the drop-down menu labelled "App key" to select the App Key of the application that will be used to scan the Sodyo marker.

  4. Click on the drop-down menu labelled either "Managed property" or "Unmanaged property", depending on the update type that was chosen, to select the property that will be updated or to create one if Unmanaged update type was chosen. For example, if the game is labelled "Instant Winner Week 42", the admin might name the property "winner_week_42".

  5. Choose the new value that will be written to the Property once the Content is loaded on the user's application (for example, the value "true").

Winner Rules

This section denotes the type of Instant Win game that you are selecting. Once the user hits “Save” or “Save and Continue”, this field cannot be changed.

There are 4 types of Instant Win Games (Winner Types):

  1. All Winners - Every scan is a winner

  2. Random Winners - the CMS will randomly select winners

  3. Every X Users - The CMS will count scans and choose winners in order

  4. The Xth Scan - One winner will be chosen at a particular scan count

All Winners

Every scan is a winner. You must select the maximum number of winners you would like in the field marked “Max Winners”. This is useful for contests such as "the first 100 scans win".

Random Winners

The CMS will randomly select winners based on the information you provide. In the field marked “Probability of Success” you simply input the success rate you want to be utilized in numerical format.

probability=winners/scansprobability = winners/scans

For example, if you want 1 winner out of every 1,000 scans, you simply divide 1 by 1000 and arrive at the answer of 0.001. You would therefore input “0.001” into the “Probability of Success” field.

Additionally, you must also select the maximum number of winners you would like in the field marked “Max Winners”. Once the maximum number has been awarded, no more winning scans will be awarded.

Every X Users

The CMS will count the scans in the order they were scanned and determine a winner based upon that. For example, you may choose to have every 1000th scan be a winner. You simply choose what the value of “X” is (i.e. 1000) and what the maximum number of winners is that you would like. Once the maximum number has been awarded, no more winning scans will be awarded, regardless of if they are the Xth scan or not.

The Xth Scan

The CMS will count the scans in the order they were scanned and determine the winner based on the number you have pre-selected. For example, if you choose that x is 1,000,000, then the one millionth scan will be determined to be the winner. In this scenario, there can only be one winner.

Exclusion Rules

Within the Winner Rules section, it is possible to add one or more exclusion rules that make certain users ineligible for winning an Instant Winner game. The exclusion rules are based on profile properties. The intended use case for this capability is to be used together with the Dynamic Profile Update in the Instant Winner section of the editor. The admin can exclude a scanner from winning if they have already won a previous Instant Winner game, by adding a property with value "true" in other Instant winner games and excluding that property and value.

To add an exclusion:

  1. From the dropdown menu titled "App key*", select the application that the marker will be scanned with.

  2. In the menus that appear, select the Name of the desired property, the Operator (Equals, Not equals, Greater than, or Less than), and the Value of the property.

  3. If desired, click on "+ Add property" to add another property to the exclusion rule.


The Form is the first screen presented to the user after he or she scans. This is the form that the user must have filled out in order to proceed to be entered into the Game.

The first two fields are “Form Title” and the submit button text, called “Submit button title”.

The next section adds the fields to the form. The first field shown is a Free Text field. In the box below, you will need to add the Title of that field for the information you wish to collect, such as “Full Name”, or “First Name”, etc.

There is a slider button below the field indicating whether it is a mandatory field or not. If it is green, the field is mandatory and must be filled out in order for the user to register for the game.

To add additional fields, simply select the “+Add New Field” button and choose the field you wish to add from the choices - “Text”, “Phone”, “Email”, “Integer” so that items such as name, phone number, email and age can be collected.

Below that is a place to add “Disclaimer” text, such as any age requirements.


The Finish Screen is presented to the user in the case where the game might be over, but the marker is still available for scanning for some reason.

The “Title” field to this page is required and there is room for additional optional text to explain that the time for submission of entries is over.

Below this field, there is a checkbox allowing the user to denote whether or not he wishes the Rules of the game to be shown on the mobile device to the user on this page as well. If checked, the rules that were previously entered will appear on this page.


The Quiz game allows users to participate in a quiz after scanning a Sodyo marker.

Creating a Quiz

The following will outline at a high level the steps for creating a quiz game. The following assumes the reader is familiar with the CMS system and the steps required to create a content item and campaigns.


The steps to designing the Quiz are outlined in Designing your Sodyo Content. In the Design area, the user can choose to upload a cover photo for the quiz. Supported formats are .jpg, .png, and .gif. Alternatively, video can be uploaded as well.

Quiz Section

The Quiz section allows you to choose the title and subtitle for the quiz, as well as the quiz's settings.

The first field is the "Quiz title" field, which will be displayed at the top of the page and is mandatory.

The following "Subtitle" field is optional and will be displayed below the title if filled.

If the user checks the checkbox marked "Allow shuffle the answers", the answers will be shown to the users in a different order every time the marker is scanned.

If the user checks the checkbox marked "Show right answers immediately", two further options will appear:

If the checkbox marked "Show right answers immediately" is checked, the right answer will appear after an answer was chosen, in the same page. If the checkbox "Show right answers on results screen" is checked, a link to the quiz's right answers will be displayed in the final results screen with its chosen title.

If the user checks the checkbox marked "Enable multiple entries for the same user", a "try again" button will be displayed at the final screen after the quiz was submitted. For this purpose, further fields will need to be filled:

The user must fill the "Try again" button title field. It's possible to check the checkbox marked "Limit number of tries", in which case the participant in the quiz will be shown an error text if they try to take the quiz more than the chosen number of tries. If this option is chosen, the user must fill the "Limit number of tries" field, and the "Limitation error text" field, which will contain the text displayed after the participant has exceeded their allowed number of tries.


The quiz's questions and answers are entered in the Q&A section.

For each question, the "Question title" must contain the body of the question, with an option to add a subtitle.

Each question must have at least one Answer. The answer's text is filled in the "Title" field. Additionally, the user can click the "Correct answer" switch to indicate that the answer is correct (Note: more than one question can be correct)

Results Screens

The Results screen is displayed once the participant has answered all the available questions.

It is mandatory to fill in the "Results title" field, which will be displayed above the results. Also, the user must choose an Icon or Image to be displayed above the title.

The field "Score title" is mandatory and will be displayed above the participant's score. The "Answers title" field must also be filled and will be displayed above the quiz's answers.

One-Question Quiz

A One-Question Quiz is a game where the user is given one multiple-choice question to answer upon scanning a Sodyo Marker. After the question is answered, the result displays whether or not the user answered correctly.

Creating a One-Question Quiz

The following will outline at a high level the steps for creating a quiz game. The following assumes the reader is familiar with the CMS system and the steps required to create a content item and campaigns.


The steps to designing the One-Question Quiz are outlined in Designing your Sodyo Content. In the Design area, the user can choose to upload a cover photo for the quiz. Supported formats are .jpg, .png, and .gif. Alternatively, video can be uploaded as well.


See the Q&A section in Creating a Quiz. It is not possible to add further questions.

Results Screens

In this section, the user chooses the title and image displayed when the question was answered correctly or incorrectly.

Multi-Player Trivia

In a Multi-Player Trivia game, multiple people who scan a Sodyo marker can participate in a quiz consisting of multiple-choice questions. After a predetermined amount of time, the user with the highest score is declared the winner.

Creating a Multi-Player Trivia Game

The following will outline at a high level the steps for creating a quiz game. The following assumes the reader is familiar with the CMS system and the steps required to create a content item and campaigns.


The steps to designing the Multi-Player Trivia game are outlined in Designing your Sodyo Content. In the Design area, the user can choose to upload a cover photo for the game. Supported formats are .jpg, .png, and .gif. Alternatively, video can be uploaded as well.


The Trivia section contains general settings for the game.

The first field is the "Trivia title", which is mandatory to fill. A subtitle may optionally be added in the "Subtitle" field.

The number chosen in the "win timeout, mins" field is the number of minutes after starting the game that the winner is declared.

The "question timeout, sec" field is used to score the user based on the time it took them to input their answer.

For more information about the available checkboxes in this section, see the "Quiz" section in Creating a Quiz.


See the Q&A section in Creating a Quiz.

Results Screens (win)

See the Results Screens section in Creating a Quiz.

Results Screens (loss)

See the Q&A section in Creating a Quiz.

Turning a Game Off / On

The Game can also be set to end on a specific date by choosing an Expiry Date in the campaign's configuration.


Sponsorships can be added to the Games by following the instructions on the Utilizing the Sponsorship Section page.

Social Media

Links to social media can be added to the Content by following the instructions in the Utilizing the Social Media Section page.


Branding can be added to the Content by following the instructions in the Utilizing the Branding Section page.


For a breakdown of the specifications and limitations of each content type, see Content Specifications.

Last updated