Creating a Landing Page

Create a variety of informational and promotional content using Landing Page content types


Landing Pages are optimized, concise pages which contain informational or promotional content. The types of Landing Pages available are as follows:

Creating a Landing Page

All Landing Page content types contain the following sections:

Design: The steps of designing a Landing page are outlined in Designing your Sodyo Content.

Sponsorship: Sponsorships can be added to the Content by following the instructions on the Utilizing the Sponsorship Section page.

Social Media: Links to social media can be added to the Content by following the instructions in the Utilizing the Social Media Section page.

Branding: Branding can be added to the Content by following the instructions in the Utilizing the Branding Section page.

Initial Form: An Initial Form can be added to the Content by following the instructions in the Adding and Initial Form page.

Specifications: For a breakdown of the specifications and limitations of each content type, see Content Specifications.

Fact Page

A Fact Page is designed to easily display a short fact.

Creating a Fact Page


In the Fact section, the user must add a Title for the fact and the text that will be displayed.

Note: Not every theme displays the icon

The user may choose to upload a cover image, .gif, or video for the fact, if desired.

Promo Page

A Promo Page is designed to quickly and easily display a short product or other promotion. The page consists of an optional cover image/video, a Title and Text.

Creating a Promo Page

Promo Section

In the Promo section, the user must add a Title for the Promo and the Promo text that will be displayed.

The user may choose to upload a cover image, .gif, or video for the Promo, if desired.\

Event Card

Easily share details of an upcoming event with the Event Card landing page.

Creating an Event Card

Event Info

In the Event Info section, enter the Event title, and optionally a Subtitle and Event Description. If the description is too long to fit in the page, the text will be cut off by a "Show More" button. Pressing the button will expand the text to show the whole description and pressing "Show Less" will shorten it back. The "Show More" and "Show Less" require a title, and they are set to "Show More" and "Show Less" by default.

Time and Location


Enter the date, time zone, and "Add to Calendar" actionable item.


Add the event's time frame or mark the "All day" checkbox.


Add the event's address and "View on Map" actionable item.

Business Card

Easily display links and contact information for your business using the Business Card page.

Creating a Business Card

Card Section

Personal Card

Display a person's contact information and relevant links upon scanning a Sodyo marker.

Creating a Personal Card

Card Section

In this section, the user may fill in the person's Name, and add a subtitle and photo.

Next, the user can add fields such as Phone, URL, Email, Address, or Custom.

There is also an option to check the "Add call-to-action" checkbox, which allows the user to add a button with the Call, Contact, Event, Navigation, or URL action.

Influencer Card

Influencer Cards provide an easy and accessible way to display social media links.

Creating an Influencer Card

Project Info Section

Add the title of the Card in the Project Name field, and an optional Project Image and Description. There is an option of selecting the "Add personal info" checkbox, in which case the options to add the person's name, picture, and subtitle will appear.

Project Promo Section

In this section, the user may add relevant links such as social media accounts. Enter a relevant title in the "Block title" section. Next, add the URL you would like to link to. If the URL leads to a well-known social media site, the CMS may recognize this and add a relevant icon. You may add as many as 30 links using the "Add link" button.

Download Item Card

An optimized way to share files with users who scan a Sodyo code.

Creating a Download Item Card

File and Information Section

Enter your desired text in the Title and Subtitle fields (subtitle optional) and click on "Add File" to upload your file.

The text entered "Download file" title field will appear on the download button.

There is also an option to add a disclaimer, such as an age limit.

Biography Card

A Biography Card is designed to easily display facts and information about a well-known figure.

Creating a Biography Card

Biography Facts

Known For Content

Recipe Card

Share recipes with the optimized Recipe Card.

Creating a Recipe Card

Recipe Cover Side

Upon scanning a Sodyo code to a Recipe Card, the first page the user will see is the Cover, with the recipe's Title, a photo or video of the dish, and an optional Subtitle describing the dish. These fields are all filled in the Recipe Cover Side section. There is also an option to edit the name of the button that takes the reader to the written recipe (it is titled "View recipe" by default.

Recipe Back Side

The recipe's Back Side shows the written recipe and is accessed when the user presses the "View recipe" button.

For each ingredient, fill in the Quantity field with the required amount, and the Title field with the name of the ingredient. Add another ingredient by clicking the "Add ingredient" button.

Next, enter the recipe's Directions. To add a step, click on "Add block" and then select "Text". It is also possible to add pictures or videos between steps by clicking on "Add block" and selecting "Media item".

Last updated