Dynamic Profile Update

Automatically update the profile information of end-users based on their interactions with Sodyo content

Note: Only Organization Admins can add Dynamic Profile Update.

Note: This feature is not available in Freeform Ads.

Dynamic Profile Update

Dynamic Profile Update enables the saving of information entered by the end-user to their User Profile.

Saving End-Users' Information Using the Embedded Form

When an end-user inputs their details into the Embedded Form, such as name and contact information, this data can then be stored in their User Profile through Dynamic Profile Update.

An Embedded Form with Dynamic Profile Update enabled

Instructions for saving end-users' answers to Embedded Forms in their User Profiles.

Step 1: Create a Content Item and add an Embedded Form.

Step 2: In the Fields section of the Embedded Form editor, click on the Settings button for the desired field. A side-window will appear titled "Advanced Settings"

Step 3: Select the "Profile update" tab and click the checkbox labelled "Allow dynamic profile update". The settings for Dynamic Profile Update will appear.

Step 4: Click the "Unmanaged update type" checkbox.

Step 5: In the dropdown menu labelled "App key", select the name of the application. (Note: The app key in the picture is for example purposes only, each organization has its own unique app key)

Step 6: In the dropdown menu labelled "Unmanaged property", select the field that relates to your chosen field. For example, if the field in the Form is "First Name", its respective field in the User Profile is "fname".

Step 7: Select the checkbox labelled "Use value provided by the end-user".

Step 8: Close the "Advanced settings" window by clicking the "back" button or clicking elsewhere on the screen. Then finish editing the content item and save.

Updating that an End-User has Seen a Specific Content Item

In addition to storing an end-user's personal details in their User Profile, the Dynamic Profile Update feature can also record whether an end-user has viewed a specific Content Item, and subsequently select which content to display to the user based on this information.

Instructions for Updating that an End-User has Seen a Specific Content Item

  1. Open the Content's editor (see Creating Content or Managing Content for more information on the Content Editor).

  2. Open the Info tab and select from the top right corner of the section.

  3. Click on the checkbox titled "Allow dynamic profile update".

    Dynamic Profile Update settings
  4. Select either a "Managed" or an "Unmanaged" update type.

    1. Managed: Update the value of a predefined User Property.

    2. Unmanaged: If the name of the Property that is entered does not match with an existing Property, a new Property with that name will be created and its value updated.

  5. Click on the drop-down menu labelled "App key" to select the App Key of the application that will be used to scan the Sodyo marker.

  6. Click on the drop-down menu labelled either "Managed property" or "Unmanaged property", depending on the update type that was chosen, to select the property that will be updated (or to create one if Unmanaged update type was chosen).

  7. Choose the new value that will be written to the Property once the Content is loaded on the user's application.

  8. Close the "Advanced settings" window by clicking the "back" button or clicking elsewhere on the screen. Then finish editing the content item and save.

Note: The "Use value provided by the end-user" and "Increase value (delta)" options are not currently available.

An example use case for this feature in a Content Set would be to have the CMS detect that the user has already seen the Content Set's Default Content, and to show the user a different Content item instead. To do this:

  1. Open the editor for the Default Content of the admin's Content Set.

  2. Select "Unmanaged update type" and create a new Property (for example, named scanned_content) with the value 1.

  3. Add a Special Content.

  4. In the Special Content tab, add a Profile Property condition.

  5. Select the relevant App Key, and edit the condition to be "scanned_content Equals 1"

  6. Save the Content Set.

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