
Generating Reports for data insights and KPI's

Generating a Report

To generate a new Report, go to the Organization level in the CMS, and select Reports in the menu.

Select Project and Campaign

When a report is meant for a specific Campaign, the report's configuration window will include dropdown menus for selecting the Project and Campaign. The user must first select the Campaign's Project, and then select the Campaign.


The timeframe for the report can either be relative (selecting the number of days/weeks/months relative to the day the report was generated) or absolute (selecting a specific range of dates).

Relative Timeframe

If the report uses a relative timeframe, the report's configuration window will include a dropdown menu titled "Timeframe relative (Relative dates)". Select the desired timeframe from this dropdown menu.

If "Last X days" or "Last X weeks" was selected, another field titled "X Value" will appear, in which the user will enter the desired number of days/weeks.

Absolute Timeframe

If the report uses an absolute timeframe, the report's configuration window will include a menu titled "Timeframe (Absolute dates)". Select the desired start and end dates from this menu.

Scheduled Report


The user can select the frequency of the report's generation using the dropdown menu titled "Type". The user can select "Every day", "Every week", or "Every month".

Send Time

The user can select the time of day when the report will be generated using the dropdown menu titled "Send time".


The user can select which member of the Organization the Report will be sent to through the dropdown menu titled "Members".

Note: Only the creator of the Scheduled Report can edit which members receive the Report.

Managing Scheduled Reports in "My Schedules"

The "My schedules" page allows the user to see and manage their Scheduled Reports.

Getting to My Schedules

To get to the "My schedules" page in the CMS, click on your name in the top-right corner of the page, then click on "My schedules".

Managing Scheduled Reports In "My Schedules"

Send Now:

Send the Scheduled Report now.


Edit the Scheduled Report.


Delete the Scheduled Report.

Last updated