Creating a Content Set

How to create a Content Set in the Sodyo Content Management System (CMS)

Content Sets

A Content Set allows a single Sodyo marker to load different Content items upon scanning, depending on conditions set by the creator of the Set.

For example, a Sodyo marker could show a different Content depending on the time of day, the age of the user scanning the marker, or the language their device is set to.

Creating a Content Set

Step 1: Navigate to https://[organization-name] and sign in. The Sodyo CMS main window is displayed.

Step 2: Select the Campaign Management module and click on "Content Sets" to display the Content Set management module. At first there will be no Content Sets, and the window will look as shown below:

Once there are existing Content Sets, they will be displayed as in the example below:

The image above includes labels for the functional areas in the Management Module:

  • Search Bar: Allows text-based searching for Content Sets.

  • Filters Control: Allows filtering the Content Set grid by the Content types used and by the creator of the Content Set.

Step 3: Click on the "Add new content set" button to create a new Content Set:

The Content Set Editor will open, allowing the administrator to edit the new Content Set.

The editor window will contain the following sections:

  • Info: The name and optional description of the Content Sets, for management purposes.

  • Default Content: The Content that is displayed upon scanning a Sodyo marker if none of the conditions for Special Content are met.

  • Special Content: Content that is displayed upon scanning a Sodyo marker if the chosen conditions are met.

  • Content Set Flow: A flow chart demonstrating which Content item is displayed under which conditions.

Info Section

The "Name" field is the name that will be displayed in the Content Set Management Module. This field must be filled.

The "Description" field is an optional space for describing the purpose and functionality of the Content Set.

Default Content

The Default Content is the Content that is displayed if none of the conditions for Special Content are met. In the Default Content section, the user must select a Content item from the drop-down menu labelled "Content:".

Special Content

In the Special Content section, the user can add Content items and the conditions required to display them.

To add a Special Content item, click on the "+ Add Content" button. Click on the drop-down menu labelled "Content:" to choose the Content item that will be displayed. It is possible to add up to fifty (50) Special Content items.

  • AppKey: The app key of the app from which the Sodyo marker was scanned.

  • Custom tags: Labels that are assigned on the SDK level and determined by the SDK programmer.

  • Timeframe: Choose a specific date-and-time range in which the Special Content item is displayed.

  • Profile Property: Properties of the user (or the user's device) that were saved in the app's cache.

  • Segments: Groupings based on Profile Properties.

It's possible to add multiple conditions for a single Special Content item. In this case, the item will be displayed only if all the relevant conditions are met.


The Conditions are what determine which Content item will be displayed from the Content Set. There are several different types of conditions which can be met:


The Appkey condition allows the Content item that is shown to be dependent on the app the user is scanning the Sodyo marker with. If the AppKey condition is chosen, the user is given several different options to choose from:

  • Organization AppKey with project access: Apply to AppKeys of applications that are registered in Application Providers (accessible by Organization Admins) that were defined to have access to the project. To edit an app's access to projects (only available for Organization Admins):

    • Enter the CMS main window, then navigate to Application Provider.

    • Click on the name of your desired application to enter App Configuration and configure the access in the section labelled "Key access".

    • If "Specific Projects" is chosen, it is possible to choose more than one project.

  • Organization AppKey without project access: Apply to AppKeys of applications that are registered in Application Providers (accessible by Organization Admins) that were NOT defined to have access to the project. To edit an app's access to projects (only available for Organization Admins):

    • Enter the CMS main window, then navigate to Application Provider.

    • Click on the name of your desired application to enter App Configuration and configure the access in the section labelled "Key access".

    • If "Specific Projects" is chosen, it is possible to choose more than one project.

  • Current organization AppKey: Apply to AppKeys of applications that are registered in Application Providers (accessible by Organization Admins).

  • AppKey that does not belong to the current organization: Apply to AppKeys of applications that are NOT registered in Application Providers (accessible by Organization Admins).

  • Specific AppKey: Apply to a specific application's AppKey. To find an application's AppKey (only available for Organization Admins), enter the CMS main window, then navigate to Application Provider. The list of available applications will appear, along with their AppKeys.

Custom Tags

Custom tags are labels that are assigned on the SDK level and determined by the SDK programmer.

The current implementation of custom tags is Interests: Interests that are marked by the user in the app are added to the user's Profile.


Use the Timeframe condition to choose a specific date-and-time range in which the Special Content item is displayed.

By default, when the Timeframe condition is chosen, the checkboxes labelled "No Start" and "No end" will be checked. In order to add a start time or end time, the user must uncheck the desired boxes.

To choose the start/end date, click the field labelled "Starting from" or "Until", respectively, to open a date selection screen.

To choose the start/end time, click the relevant clock and choose the desired time, which can be chosen by 15-minute increments.

Profile Property

The app a user utilizes to scan a Sodyo marker can save information about the user and their mobile device, such as the country they scanned the marker from, or the language the device is set to. The Profile Property condition allows different Content items to be displayed depending on these properties.

Once Profile Property condition is added, the admin must first choose the app key of the app that the Sodyo marker will be scanned with.

Once an app key is chosen, the user must choose three parameters:

  • The name of the Profile Property

  • The Operator (Equals, Not Equals, Greater than, Less than)

  • The Value of the Property

To add another property, simply click on "+ Add property".


A segment is a grouping of conditions base on Profile Property values. For example, it's possible to create a Segment that consists of "Language Equals English" and "Last scan timestamp Less than 2 hours ago". Once this condition is chosen, the content will be displayed to users who match both properties.

New Segments can only be added by an Organization Administrator.

If another Condition Group is created, the OR operator will appear between the existing groups, symbolizing that only one of the groups must be matched for the Segment to be matched.

Segments are entirely dependent on the Profile Properties available in the app, for more information contact your Organization Administrator.

Probability (Random Content Upon Scanning a Marker)

Using the Probability Condition, it is possible to create a campaign in which a user gets a content item that is selected randomly from the Content Set.

Adding a Probability Condition

Understanding the Probability Condition

If a Probability condition is added to a Special content item, the admin will then need to write the desired probability of that content item appearing. The probability should be written as a decimal number between 0 and 1: if the probability is set to 0, the content item will not be displayed to any user. If it's set to 1, the content item will be displayed to 100% of users who scan the marker. If it's set to 0.25, the content item will be displayed to roughly 25% percent of users, and so on.

The Probability condition operates on a "first match" approach, rather than a collective sum of probabilities. This means that the system checks each rule in sequence until it finds a match based on the defined set probabilities.

For example: Let's say the admin wants the user to randomly receive 1 of 4 content items upon scanning a Sodyo marker, and each item to have an equal chance of being displayed. In that case, the admin will define a Default content item and three (3) Special content items.

The default content cannot be assigned a probability, since it is displayed if no other rule was matched. Therefore, the admin first defines the probability of the first Special content item. For the item to have the same chance as the others to be displayed, the admin will set its probability at 0.25 (a 1-in-4 chance).

If the first Special content item was not displayed due to the probability, there are three remaining content items that may be displayed: the second Special content item, the third Special content item, or the Default content item. Therefore, for the second Special content item to have an equal chance of being displayed, the admin will set its probability at 0.33 (roughly a 1-in-3 chance).

If the first Special content item was not displayed, two remaining items could be displayed: the third Special content item or the Default content item. Therefore, for the third Special content item to have an equal chance of being displayed, the admin will set its probability at 0.5 (a 1-in-2 chance).

Lastly, if none of the previous Special content items were displayed, then the Default content item will be displayed (again, there is no need to define a probability for the Default content item). Since the Special content items were configured to each have an equal chance of being displayed, the Default content item will also be displayed roughly 1 out of every 4 scans.

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